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Guess Top!

Special offer

Terms and Conditions

Main Information

Every day our new Guess Top! contest gives you a great chance to win any game you want - you can choose your prize yourself! You don't have to buy or download anything, the contest is absolutely free. Just join our contest, win and choose any game from our site!

Every day DoubleGames Editors choose 10 games of the same genre and rank them from 1 (the best game) to 10 (the worse one). Following positions serve us as criterions for evaluating of each game:

  1. Quality of graphics
  2. Quality of sound
  3. Gameplay (Is it entertaining or not)
  4. Sequels and prequels (Is the game good enough to have sequels)
  5. Game's character or quest (Does the game have remarkable character or challenging quest)

Your task is to guess this DoubleGames Top! Sounds easy? Then try it!

Who becomes a winner?

At the end of the day (23:59 GMT-8) 10 participants who was first to guess the DoubleGames Top are pronounced as Winners. Each one of them has the right to choose any game he wants from our site and get it as a prize.

What should I do to win my game?

  1. You have to be registered user of DoubleGames
  2. You must have 40 Clovers (How to earn Clovers?)
  3. You have to guess DoubleGames Top!

This special offer is available every day from 02 September 2009 (00:01 GMT-8) to 02 October 2009 (23:59 GMT-8). Every day we are choosing new winners, but you only have one try a day to guess the Top. Good luck!

Ready to win your favorite game? Go!

Don't have enough Clovers? - Learn more how to earn them!

The Contest is over